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Thirty years have passed since the landmark International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), where world leaders agreed to put individual rights and dignity at the heart of sustainable development. The Programme of Action from the conference transformed global thinking on population issues at a time of concern about a rapidly growing global population, setting the standard for people-centered development.

ICPD30 celebrates three decades of achievements and a growing understanding of the importance and significance of human-centered sustainable development. Similarly, PPD also celebrating 30 years of promoting South-South Cooperation in achieving ICPD program of action. PPD established with 10 countries during ICPD, Cairo in 1994 but today it has succeeded to rise memberships height to 27 with representation of 60% global population committed to meet the needs of the present generations of its member states without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

This milestone sets the stage for a re-commitment to the ICPD agenda and positions the global community for the post-2030 population and development agenda. In this context, the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, PPD and UNFPA is jointly organizing 21st International Inter-Ministerial Conference on Population and Development with the theme “ICPD 30 – Moving Forward” to be held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 8-9 July 2024.

The Goal of the conference is to leverage SSTC to contribute greater support towards ICPD30, Demographic Change and SDG.

To provide a high-level global forum for multidimensional dialogue, advocacy, peer review and shared commitment to:

  1. To review the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action through South-South Cooperation over the past 30 years in PPD member countries.
  2. To explore the multi-layered impact of demographic change on sustainable development in PPD countries.
  3. To leverage member countries’ commitment in achieving sustainable development, global resilience and to meet the needs of the present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs
  4. To advocate for the rights of future generations to the highest standard of RHRS, through universal health coverage, to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all throughout the life course
  5. To enhances partnering for building capacity and promoting the transfer of technology on mutually agreed terms to achieve ICPD30
  6. To strengthen cooperation among member states in their response to demographic change, SDGs


Host Government and Organizers

The Government of Bangladesh will host this significant international event. The organizers of this event are the Partners in Population and Development (PPD), a ministerial-level inter-governmental body composed of 27 member-countries that represent more than 60% of the world’s population. This event is co-organized by UNFPA, the UN agency for sexual and reproductive health.


Participation will come from PPD’s twenty-seven (27) member-countries and other developed and developing countries. PPD and UNFPA, in consultation with the host government, will invite other countries that have strong commitments on SSC for ICPD PoA. policy makers and leaders from developing countries including PPD member countries, UN agencies and other global and regional stakeholders engaged in the arena of population, RH

Outcome of the conference

The immediate outcome of conference will be the “Dhaka Declaration” adopted by 27 PPD member countries, UN agencies and key stakeholders with tangible commitments and actionable recommendations for re-invigorated SSC towards achieving ICPD30+ and SDGs.




:: 20th IIMC 2023 – Conference Report

:: 20th IIMC 2023 – Videos and Presentations

:: 20th IIMC 2023 – Photo Gallery

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