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 Session 1: Opening Session


Hon. Dr. Samanta Lal Sen

Board and Exco Member of PPD and Honourable Minister, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

21iimc2024-Dr-Samanta-Lal_SenDr. Samanta Lal Sen, a Bangladeshi physician and Minister of Health and Family Welfare, was previously the chief coordinator of Burn Units nationwide. Dr. Sen was awarded the Bangla Academy Fellowship in 2018.

Ms. Diene Keita

Deputy Executive Director of UNFPA

21iimc2024-Diene-KeitaMs. Diene Keita has led public health programs in Mauritania, Benin, DRC, and Nigeria, focusing on women’s empowerment, inclusive growth, and gender-based violence. She holds a doctorate in Law and a DESS in International Relations.

Hon. Mr. Sleiman Timios Kwidini

Honourable Deputy Minister of Health and Child Care
Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe.

21iimc2024-Sleiman-Timios-KwidiniZimbabwean politician Sleiman Timios Kwidini has been appointed Deputy Minister of Health and Child Care by President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Kwidini, a registered general nurse, represents the Chiwundura Constituency in Parliament and is a member of ZANU-PF.

Hon. Mr. Amos Lugoloobi

PPD Board and Minister of State for Finance, Planning and Economic Development (Planning)
Government of the Republic of Uganda

21iimc2024-Amos-LugoloobiMr. Amos Lugoloobi, a Ugandan politician, is the state minister for finance and planning and a representative member for Ntenjeru north, Kayunga District in the 11th Parliament. Lugoloobi has a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s degree in Business Administration.

Hon. Dr. Yu Xuejun

Vice Chair of the PPD Board and Honorable Vice Minister, National Health Commission (NHC)
Government of the People’s Republic of China

21iimc2024-Yu-XuejunDr. Yu Xuejun, Vice Minister of the National Health Commission in China, oversees population affairs, planning, information, and health emergencies. He has held various positions, including Director at the China Population Information Center and a doctoral law degree.

Hon. Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda

Board and Exco Member of PPD, Honorable Minister
Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

21iimc2024-Jagat-Prakash-NaddaShri Jagat Prakash Nadda, is an Indian politician and activist. He was a key figure in the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad. Nadda served as the first President of the ABVP in Himachal Pradesh, Organizing Secretary of the Bharatiya Janata Party, and Union Minister of Health in the PM Shri Narendra Modi government.

Md. Azizur Rahman

Honorable Secretary Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW)
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh


 Session 2: Ministerial Session on ICPD 30 – Moving Forward


Hon. Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda

Board and Exco Member of PPD, Honorable Minister
Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

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Dr. S K Sikdar

Former Advisor, RCH in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India

21iimc2024-Dr-SikdarDr. Sikdar, has over 36 years of experience in population stabilization and reproductive health. He has led the National Family Planning Programme of India, resurrected and revitalized it, and contributed significantly to strengthening health systems in India. As the Additional Commissioner in charge, he was instrumental in formulating policies for the Family Planning program and driving implementation of reproductive health strategies.

Hon. Dr. Samanta Lal Sen

PPD Board and Honourable Minister, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW)
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

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Hon Dr. Ahmadou Lamin Samateh

Minister of Health, Government of The Gambia

21iimc2024-Dr-SamatehDr. Ahmadou Lamin Samateh, the Minister of Health of Gambia, has extensive experience in healthcare, including serving as Chief Medical Director of Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital in Banjul, Senior Consultant General Surgeon, and Senior Lecturer in Surgery at the University of The Gambia.

Hon. Mr. Senator Abubakar Atiku Bagadu, CON

PPD Board and Honorable Minister of Federal Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning, Government of Nigeria

21iimc2024-Abubakar-BagaduMr. Abubakar Atiku Bagudu CON is a Nigerian politician and current Nigerian minister of budget and economic planning. Bagudu has extensive private sector experience, including as a director and chairman of various companies. He is a recipient of Nigeria’s National Honour of Commander of the Order of Niger and the Order of Merit of Niger Republic.

Mr. Syed Waqar-ul-Hassan

Special Secretary, Government of Pakistan

Dr. Yu Xuejun

Vice Chair of the PPD Board and Honorable Vice Minister, National Health Commission (NHC)
Government of the People’s Republic of China

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Hon. Dr. Prof. Tarek Tawfik Amin

Deputy Minister of the Minister of Health for Population Affairs, Government of Egypt

21iimc2024-Dr-Tarek-AminDr. Tarek Tawfik Amin, Professor of Public Health and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. Previously, the Head of Family and Community Medicine at, the College of Medicine, King Faisal University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Medical Educator for over 25 years, Scholar, Researcher, and Bio-statistician. Master’s degree in Pediatrics and Neonatology, Kasr Alainy School of Medicine, Cairo University.

Hon. Mr. Amos Lugoloobi

PPD Board and Minister of State for Finance, Planning and Economic Development (Planning)
Government of the Republic of Uganda

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Hon. Dr. Seetha Arambepola M.P

Honorable State Minister of Health, Government of Sri Lanka

21iimc2024-Dr-Seetha-ArambepolaSeetha Arambepola, a Sri Lankan politician and surgeon, served as the State Minister of Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research and Innovation and is currently the State Minister of Health. She supported President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and briefly served as Governor of the Western Province.

Hon. Mr. Sleiman Timios Kwidini

Honourable Deputy Minister of Health and Child Care, Government of Zimbabwe

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Prof. Mohamed Douagi

Secretary – PPD Board and President Director General, National Board of Family and Population, Ministry of Health, Government of Tunisia

21iimc2024-Prof-Mohamed-DouagiProf. Douagi is the head professor of the neonatal intensive care unit at the Military Hospital. He was president of the pediatric society. He is very active on social networks. He is known for having served as chairman of the Commission of Inquiry into the Deaths of Newborns in 2019.

Dr. Ahmed Ali Bourji

Secretary General, National Population Council, Council of Ministers, Government of the Republic of Yemen


Dr. Mohamed A. Sheikh

Board and Exco Member of PPD, Director-General, National Council for Population and Development (NCPD), Government of the Republic of Kenya

21iimc2024-Dr-Mohamed-SheikhDr. Mohamed Sheikh is the Director General of the National Council for Population and Development. With over 16 years of experience in senior-level health management systems, Sheikh has introduced innovative interventions in reproductive, maternal, newborn, and adolescent health and nutrition, contributing to reduced maternal and child morbidity and mortality. He also serves as the board director of the Anti-Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) program in Kenya.

Dr. Achara Nithi-aphinyasakul

PPD Board and Director-General, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health, Royal Thai Government

21iimc2024-Dr-AcharaDr. Achara has 37 years of experience in the public health service. She has held various positions within the Ministry of Public Health, including Director-General of the Department of Health, Inspector-General for Health Region 5, Public Health Supervisor for Health Region 9, and Director of Amnatcharoen Hospital.

Mr. Luong Quang Dang

PCC of PPD and Deputy Chief of Office, National Steering Committee for Population and Development, Government of Social Republic of Vietnam, Head of Personnel and International Cooperation Division, Vietnam Population Authority, Ministry of Health, Vietnam

21iimc2024-Luong-Quang-DangMr. Loung Quang Dang, has been working for 19 years in the Population sector. He is a member of the Scientific Council of the GOPFP and visiting lecturer at Hanoi Medical University.

 Session 3: Achieving SRHR goals through SSTC


Hon. Mr. Sleiman Timios Kwidini

Honourable Deputy Minister of Health and Child Care, Government of Zimbabwe

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Julia Bunting

Programme Division at UNFPA

21iimc2024-Julia-BuntingMs. Julia is a UK-based global health and international development adviser and consultant. She previously served as the President and CEO of the Population Council and as the Global Director of the Programme and Technical Division at the International Planned Parenthood Federation.

Professor Dr. Halida Hanum Akhter

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

21iimc2024-Dr-Halida-HanumDr. Halida is the founder and director of the Reproductive Health Research Institute of Bangladesh. She worked as a senior fellow in the Department of International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health on women’s reproductive health. Also served as Head of USAID-DFID’s NGO Health Care Project, as Head of Pathfinder International. She created a ‘soil bank’ for pregnant women for pregnant woman.

Mrs. Malango Botomani

Director of Administration, Department of Economic Planning and Development
Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Government of Malawi

Dr. Thierry O. LAWALE

Director of Mother and Child Health, Government of Government of the Republic of Benin

Dr. Ukik Kusuma Kurniawan

Head of PULIN BKKBN, Government of the Republic of Indonesia

21iimc2024-UkikDr. Ukik Kusuma Kurniawan is the Head of the Center for International Training and Collaboration on Population and Family Planning at the National Population and Family Planning Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BKKBN). With over 25 years of experience, he has held strategic positions such as Head of Division of Population Control, International Collaboration, and Overseas Study.

Dr. Sabina Faiz Rashid

Professor at BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, Dhaka

21iimc2024-Dr-SabinaDr. Sabina Faiz Rashid, a Professor at BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health in Dhaka, Bangladesh, has over 28 years of experience in research and capacity building. She founded the Centre for Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and co-founded the Centre for Urban Equity and Health.

 Session 4: Leveraging SSTC for Universal Health Coverage


Hon. Dr. Ahmadou Lamin Samateh

Minister of Health, Government of The Gambia

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Dr. Julitta Onabanjo

UNFPA Representative for Malaysia and Country Director for the Kingdom of Thailand

21iimc2024-Dr-Julitta-OnabanjoDr. Julitta Elizabeth Onabanjo, a public health physician with over 27 years of experience in international development work, has been appointed as the Representative for Malaysia and Country Director for Thailand. With a focus on population dynamics, sexual and reproductive health, and gender policies, she has held various positions at UNFPA headquarters and at the country level, including Technical Adviser and Special Assistant to the Executive Director.

Dr. Ashrafi Ahmad, ndc

PCC of PPD and Additional Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Bangladesh.

21iimc2024-Dr-Ashrafi-AhmadDr. Ashrafi has been a doctor in Bangladesh Public Service since 1995, collaborating with UN agencies and working with development partners. With expertise in managing projects and implementing reproductive and child health initiatives, she founded 15 Child Development Centers throughout different government medical institutions. She works as an Additional Secretary at the moment. Additionally, she oversaw the Project Child Sensitive Social Protection Project, which provided UNICEF with technical support to empower impoverished children.

Dr. Irma Ardiana

Acting Deputy for Training, Research and Development BKKBN, Indonesia

21iimc2024-Dr-Irma-ArdianaDr. Irma Ardiana, a Medical Doctor with a Master of Applied Population Studies from Flinders University, has held key positions at BKKBN, including Director for Family Resilient for Children and Officer In Charge Deputy for Training, Research, and Development since March 2024.

Ms. Mary Gyasi

Officer In Charge of Policy, Planning and Program National Population Council (NPC), Ghana.


Dr. Cheikh Ahmed Tidiane GUEYE

PCC of PPD and Advisor Technical Cooperation Ministry of Health and Social Action, Government of the Republic of Senegal


 Session 5: Demographic Dividend and Sustainable Development


Hon. Mr. Amos Lugoloobi

PPD Board and Minister of State for Finance, Planning and Economic Development (Planning)
Government of the Republic of Uganda

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Dr. Mohamed A. Sheikh

Board and Exco Member of PPD, Director-General, National Council for Population and Development (NCPD), Government of the Republic of Kenya

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Dr. TANG Mengjun

Research Fellow, Division Chief of the Department of International Cooperation, China Population and Development Research Center (CPDRC)

21iimc2024-Dr-TANG-MengjunMs. Tang Mengjun, a Research Fellow at China Population and Development Research Centre, has been involved in gender, reproductive health, and population policy research, with funding from various organizations. She has been responsible for Sex Ratio at Birth projects since 2011.

Mr. Luong Quang Dang

PCC of PPD and Deputy Chief of Office, National Steering Committee for Population and Development, Government of Social Republic of Vietnam, Head of Personnel and International Cooperation Division, Vietnam Population Authority, Ministry of Health, Vietnam

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Dr. T.V. Sekher

Professor & Head, Department of Family & Generations International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Mumbai, India

21iimc2024-Dr-SekherDr. T.V. Sekher, a Professor at IIPS, specializes in social demography, gender issues, and population aging. He has held visiting fellowships at various institutions and is currently the Principal Investigator of the Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health. Sekher has authored ten books published over 100 research articles, and served as President of the Indian Association for Social Sciences and Health.

Professor Dr. Mohammad Mainul Islam

Chief Editor of the PPD International e-Journal of South-South Cooperation in Population and Development.
Department of Population Science, Dhaka University

21iimc2024-Dr-Mohammad-Mainul-IslamDr. Mohammad Mainul Islam is a renowned professor and former Chairman of Population Sciences at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. With over 21 years of experience in population and development, he has taught at various institutions and has received numerous awards and recognitions. Dr. Islam has been appointed as the Chief Editor of the PPD International e-Journal of South-South Cooperation in Population and Development.

Ms. Mariama Fanneh

PCC of PPD , Director of Population Affairs
Office of the Vice President, Government of the Republic of the Gambia


 Session 6: Innovation, Technology and Data through SSTC


Hon. Dr. Tarek Tawfik Amin

Deputy Minister of the Minister of Health for Population Affairs, Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt

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Dr. Denis Nkala

Chief, Intergovernmental and UN Systems Affairs, United Nations Office of South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC)

21iimc2024-Dr-Denis-NkalaDr. Denis Nkala, a Zimbabwean national, has worked with countries like China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, and Thailand.

Asa Torkelsson

Chief at UNFPA Seoul Representation Office

21iimc2024-Asa-TorkelssonAsa Torkelsson, a sociologist and development economist with 25+ years of experience in international development, is set to become the UNFPA Chief of the Seoul Representation Office. With a background in gender equality, sexual and reproductive health, women’s empowerment, and youth empowerment, Torkelsson has led UNFPA in Bangladesh, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Dr Shabnam Mostari

Public Health Specialist and Head of Smart Health Accelerator, a2i (Aspire to Innovate)

21iimc2024-Dr-Shabnam-MostariDr. Shabnam Mostari, a Public Health Specialist and Head of the Smart Health Accelerator at a2i, which is leading Digital Health Initiatives in Bangladesh. Mostari has also worked on AI and telemedicine policies, advocating for improved collaboration and information sharing within the healthcare ecosystem.

Dr. Nompumelelo Nzimande

University of KwaZulu Natal
South Africa

21iimc2024-Dr-NompumeleloDr. Nompumelelo Nzimande is a lecturer and demographer at the School of the Built Environment and Development Studies at the University of KawaZulu-Natal, and is the Academic Leader for the disciplines of Population and Development Studies within the School. She is a member of the Statistics Council for South Africa and Chairs its Population and Social Statistics sub-Committee.

Dr. Ubaidur Rab

Country Director, Population Council

21iimc2024-Dr-Ubaidur-RabDr. Rob provides leadership and technical guidance in the development, management, and evaluation of research projects implemented by the Government of Bangladesh, development partners, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs He also serves on the editorial boards of the International Quarterly of Community Health Education and Population Review.

Ms. Irene Ashikhongo Muhunzu

PCC of PPD and Senior Population Programme Officer, National Council for Population and Development (NCPD)
Government of Kenya

21iimc2024-IreneMs. Irene Is an Assistant Director of Population with the National Council for Population and Development (NCPD) in Policy, Programme and Partnerships, and the Focal Point for South-South Cooperation. She with 18 years of experience in evidence-based programming for Population and Reproductive Health programs, focusing on policy process development, research analysis, training, networking, and advocacy.

Dr. Betty Kyaddondo

Director of Family Health Department, National Population Council (NPC), Government of the Republic of Uganda.


 Session 7: Resource Mobilization in the Context of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC)


Hon. Senator Abubakar Atiku Bagadu, CON

PPD Board and Honorable Minister of Federal Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning, Government of Nigeria

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Asa Torkelsson

Chief at UNFPA Seoul Representation Office

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H.E. Mr. Heru Hartanto Subolo

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia

21iimc2024-Heru-Hartanto-SuboloH.E. Mr. Heru H Subolo was sworn in as the 14th Appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. He has a diplomatic career spanning several years. He has held leadership positions at the Indonesian Consulate General in Sydney, Washington DC, Oslo, and Houston. Subolo’s passion for the economy led him to key positions in the ASEAN Economic Department and Technical Cooperation of the Developing Countries Division. He has also held positions in ASEAN Affairs, such as Acting Secretary of the Director General of ASEAN Cooperation and Deputy Director for ASEAN Security Affairs.

H.E. Majid Halim

Ambassador, Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco, Dhaka


Dr. Denis Nkala

Chief, Intergovernmental and UN Systems Affairs, United Nations Office of South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC)

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Dr. Ahmed Al Kabir

RTM International, Formerly Chief of Party, JSI, and Chairman Rupali Bank

21iimc2024-Dr-Ahmed-Al-KabirDr. Kabir is a Freedom Fighter and a Trustee Board member of the Bangladesh Community Clinic Health Assistance Trust. He was awarded the prestigious Sheikh Hasina Initiative Gold Medal in a national event organized by the Community Clinic Health Trust and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW). Dr. Kabir is the founder and Chairperson of “Research, Training and Management (RTM) University”.

 Session 8: Closing Ceremony


Hon. Dr. Rokeya Sultana

Honourable State Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

21iimc2024-Dr-Rokeya-SultanaH.E. Dr. Rokeya Sultana, State Minister, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh. Dr. Rokeya Sultana has been sworn in as the state minister for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of The Government of Bangladesh. She obtained her MBBS degree from Rangpur Medical College. After retiring from government service as a doctor, she became directly involved in politics. Currently, she serves as the Health and Population Affairs in the Awami League’s Central Committee.

Dr. Mohamed A. Sheikh

Director-General, National Council for Population and Development (NCPD), Government of the Republic of Kenya

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Dr. S K Sikdar

Consultant for Institutionalization of SSC into National Health Strategies among PPD Member Countries
and Former Advisor, RCH in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India

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Prof. Mohamed Douagi

President Director General, National Board of Family and Population, Ministry of Health, Government of Tunisia, and Secretary of PPD Board

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