Nanjing Population Program Training Center International (NITC)

Nanjing Population Program Training Centre International (NITC), an independent training institution, is directly affiliated with the National Population and Family Planning Commission (NPFPC). It is to assist NPFPC in the effort to strengthen both international and south-south collaboration in RH/FP and population program, and to maximize the sharing of country experiences on the basis of partnership and mutual benefits. It is on the campus of Nanjing College for Population Program Management (NCPPM). It is now the “South-South Cooperation Project” China Base designated by UNFPA Beijing and “Global Leadership Program” Training Base designated by South-to-South Partners in Population and Development. In the mid-90s when China’s population and family planning programs achievements started to gain international recognition, China National Population and Family Planning Commission began to share its experiences with foreign visitors. In 1996, NPFPC established Nanjing Population Program Training Centre International, located on the campus of Nanjing College for Population Program Management to provide training programs to developing countries. In the meantime UNFPA recognized China’s potential to exchange experiences with and provide assistance to neighbouring countries. Since then UNFPA helped strengthen NITC’s training and technical capacity in the field of RH/FP to foster South-South Collaboration. As a result NITC has upgraded and improved the quality and dimension of its course curricula and training methodologies and has gained high reputation in training fields. NITC has been equipped with modern communication and training facilities allowing it to offer specialized training programs in strategic management and leadership, project and program management, demographic studies and RH/FP development. NITC has a strong commitment to outcomes based training, not training for training’s sake. We embrace the life-long learning philosophy and encourage our trainees to think likewise. Wherever possible, a competency based training approach is adopted. We focus on changing behaviour: “If behaviour does not change, no learning took place.” “Our task is not to be a sage on the stage, but a guide on the side.” This is our philosophy. In the past four years, NITC has organized a total of 18 terms of international training workshops or study tours with more than 162 international participants.


12 # Suojincun, Nanjing 210042

Tel : +86-25-8542-5939
Fax : +86-25-8543-1201

Institution working on the following sectors

  • Capacity Building
  • Family Planning
  • Gender
  • HIV / AIDS
  • Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Policy & Advocacy
  • Population & Development
  • Poverty Reduction
  • Reproductive Health
  • Research

Expert in -

Population Development , Reproductive Health and Family Planning Program

Working Languages

  • Chinese
  • English

Total Number of Staff and Trainer

  • Staff : 40
  • Trainer: 12

Focal Persons

Ms. Huang Huijuan

Tel: +86-25-8542-5939
Fax: +86-25-8543-1201
Mobile: +86-1391-3830-918

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