National Institute of Health Administration (INAS)

National Institute of health administration (INAS)of Morocco is a higher education institution created on 1989 by the Ministry of Health. The institute contribute to the development of health population through four functions:

  1. Initial training of health professionals in public health and management of health services. According to this function, the Institute offers a master degree in public health and management of health services with two options (public health and hospital management).
  2. Continuing training of health professionals in public health and health services management domains through courses, seminars and workshops, etc. The topics covered by continuing training activities include reproductive health, health promotion of young and adolescents, family planning, epidemiology and biostatistics, health services planning, monitoring and evaluation of health programs, management of health programs, hospital management, etc. These activities target national and international professionals.
  3. Contribution to the development of health system research.
  4. Providing expertise and consultancy services in health services management and public health. INAS is recognized as an institution leader in terms of training and expertise in public health and health services management in francophone developing countries. INAS has a WHO collaborative Center status. It collaborates with a national and international network of partners (PPD, academic institutions, agencies of international cooperation, etc). Every year, INAS involves in his training programs an important number of international students from francophone African countries. The majority of these students receive scholarships from Moroccan government or agencies of international cooperation. For the future, INAS seek to reinforce cooperation relationships with training and research institutions of south countries in the field of public health and hospital management.



Rue Lamfadel Charkaoui, Madinate Al Irfane
BP 6329, Rabat

Tel : +212-37 68 31 62
Fax : +212- 37 68 31 61

Institution working on the following sectors

  • Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Reproductive Health
  • Research
  • Capacity Building
  • Family Planning
  • HIV / AIDS
  • Hospital Management
  • Maternal and Child Health

Expert in -

Public health- Hospital management- management of health services

Working Languages

  • French

Total Number of Staff and Trainer

  • Staff : 50
  • Trainer: 30

Focal Persons

Prof. Dr. A. Maaroufi

Tel: +212-537-683-161
Mobile : +212-66-456-4636
Fax: +212-537-683-161
Email :

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