Call for Consultancy Services to Conduct a Summative Evaluation for the Advance Family Planning Initiative: 2009 To 2022





Overview of the Advance Family Planning Initiative in Uganda

Advance Family Planning (AFP) is an advocacy initiative of the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health and the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health implemented in ten countries. The initiative was launched in Uganda in November 2009 with the aim of improving the funding and policy environment and
galvanizing the political commitment needed to ensure access to a full choice of family planning services and information, with a view to realizing the FP2020 and successor
FP2030 Commitments. This is attained through collective efforts working with like-minded partners to build consensus, mostly targeting decision-makers using a unique
AFP SMART Advocacy approach.

The advocacy approach hinges on seven principles: locally-driven, focused, evidence-based, collaborative, influential, accountable, and sustainable principles.

The AFP Initiative works in collaboration with governments, donors, implementing partners, religious, media, and cultural institutions, as well as other state and non-state
actors, to ensure that the country’s FP commitments are met, as well as to track progress and understand advocacy priorities.

Download TOR for documenting AFP work 3 6 2022 FINAL (PDF)

Application process

Interested persons should submit technical and financial proposals to the Executive Director, Reproductive Health Uganda – and copy,, by Friday, 10th, June 2022 before 5:00 pm

Qualifying candidates will be contacted by Friday 17th June 2022.

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