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Opening session of the Conference will assemble a group of state leaders from PPD member countries along with ambassadors/high commissioners from diplomatic missions located in Bangladesh. Political commitments will be generated from members countries to promote South-South Cooperation in achieving ICPD30 and sustainable development in the context of demographic change.

Objectives and questions under each session will be provided to the panelists and political leaders to organize effective sessions with given time frame in order to ensure the conference outcome with specific actions.

Day One

Session 1: Opening Session

Session 2: Ministerial Session on ICPD30+, SDGs and South-South Triangular Cooperation

Session 3: Achieving SRHR goals through SStC

Session 4: Leveraging SStC for Universal Health Coverage

Session 5: Demographic Dividend and Sustainable Development

Day two

Session 6: Technology, Innovation and population data

Session 7: Resource Mobilization in the context of SStC

Session 8: Dhaka Declaration and Closing




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