International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

The International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), formerly known as Demographic Training and Research Centre, was established at Mumbai in July 1956 to serve as the regional centre for research and training in Population Studies for the countries of Asia and Pacific region. It was re-named as International Institute for Population Studies in April 1971 and was re-designated to its present title in March 1984 to facilitate the expansion of its academic activities. The Institute was declared as a ‘Deemed University’ in August 1985 under the Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. It is an autonomous institution under the administrative control of Department of Family Welfare, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. This is the only Institute of its kind in the world completely devoted to research and teaching in the population related areas. Besides teaching and research activities, the Institute also provides consultancy to the governments and non-government organizations and other academic institutions. Over the years, the Institute has helped in building a nucleus of professionals in the field of population and health in various countries of the ESCAP region. During the past 50 years, students from 42 different countries of Asia and the Pacific region, Africa, and North America have been trained at the Institute. Many, who are trained at the Institute, now occupy key positions in the field of population and health in governments of various countries, universities and research institutes as well as in reputed national and international organizations The functions of the IIPS can be classified under four categories: teaching, research, consultative services and documentation. There are seven Academic Departments in the Institute. TEACHING PROGRAMMES The Institute offers following regular teaching programmes: Diploma in Population Studies (D.P.S) Master of Population Studies (M.P.S) Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Population Studies Master of Population Studies (M.P.S) (Correspondence Course) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Population Studies Diploma in Health Promotion Education (D.H.P.E) (offered by the Family Welfare Training and Research Centre (FWTRC), Mumbai, and affiliated to IIPS). In addition, the Institute also conducts Short Term Training Programmes on various issues related to population and other allied fields.

  1. Diploma in Population Studies (D.P.S) This course provides a basic understanding on the principles of Population Studies and the inter-relationship between population and various socio-economic factors. This is a two semester course with a major emphasis on imparting technical skills in population analysis and making the students competent in handling and interpreting population data. The students for the diploma programme have by and large been recruited through deputation by international organizations and institutions within India.
  2. Master of Population Studies (M.P.S) The M P S Degree course is designed to provide higher level of understanding of the population sciences including an in-depth knowledge of the linkages between population and various socio-economic, health and environmental factors. The course also provides a comprehensive idea to conduct further research in various aspects related to population. The duration of this course is one year. Holders of a master’s degree from recognized universities in the relevant social science disciplines are eligible for admission to this course. During the course the students have to undergo intensive course work in research methodology and advanced courses in the area of their chosen specialization. A term paper has to be submitted based on a original work under the supervision of a faculty member. A concerted effort is made to train the individuals in the task of working independently in the area of their specialization and survey research. A month long study tour provides an opportunity for students to visit and interact with various institutions and academicians in different parts of India. Twenty fellowships from the Government of India are available for M.P.S course students.
  3. Master of Philosophy in Population Studies (M.Phil.) From the academic year 2003-04, a facility has been offered where the best performing students of the M.P.S course can opt for an M Phil. degree in population studies after further research for a period of six months and successful completion of a dissertation. The students have to take a comprehensive examination in Population Studies before getting admitted in the M.Phil. Course. Thus, the total duration of this course is of eighteen months. This rigorous course for M.Phil. degree prepares the students for a research career. Five fellowships from the Government of India are available for M.Phil. students.
  4. Master of Population Studies (M.P.S.) (Correspondence Course) In view of the growing demand for the intensive need-based training in the field of population and the inter-relationship between population and development, the Institute has started a Distance Education Programme leading to M.P.S degree. The programme is reaching out to a large number of government officials and others involved in health, family welfare, and population related programmes at various levels. In addition, the programme is also devised to cater to the training needs of officials from various countries. This course is of two years duration, although students have the flexibility of completing it in a maximum period of four years. In view of the increasing demand, the M.P.S correspondence course is also open to students from other ESCAP countries. The Department of Extra Mural Studies of the Institute manages the distance education programme.
  5. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Population Studies The doctoral programme is designed to prepare students for professional leadership in population field as well as for pursuing research career. The Institute has well qualified faculty to guide students for Ph.D degrees. Students are admitted to the Ph.D programme on a highly competitive basis. Fifteen Government of India Fellowships are available for the Indian students for Ph.D programme. Candidates, who qualify NET for lectureship in Population Studies or its interdisciplinary subjects conducted by the UGC, can also avail fellowship.
  6. Short Term Programmes In addition to the regular teaching programmes, the Institute also conducts short-term training programmes and instructional courses for various organizations covering various themes and issues. These short-term training programmes are usually sponsored by various national and international funding agencies like WHO, ESCAP, Department of Family Welfare, Asian Development Bank, etc. Training courses have also been conducted for officials of the state family welfare departments, and for government personnel from neighbouring countries. Similarly, the Central Statistical Organization requests IIPS to conduct shot-term training programmes for the Indian Statistical Service (ISS) probationers. Recently the institute has entered into an agreement with the Nordic Centre in India (NCI) to conduct a five week training programme on Population and Gender mainly tailored for the students from Nordic Countries.
  7. UGC Sponsored Orientation/Refresher Courses University Grants Commission has recognized this Institute as the nodal Centre for conducting Orientation/Refresher Courses in Population Sciences/Demography for the UGC recognized University/College teachers from all over India. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Apart from the teaching and training activities, the Institute also conducts a large number of research projects on various aspects of population and health. The Institute undertakes evaluative studies and large-scale surveys in a number of issues of the region concerning population. As the premier institution of Population Studies in the country, IIPS has the responsibility of setting standards and breaking new grounds in demographic research. The Institute is reputed for its precise survey designs, data collection techniques and data management. Several national and international organizations have preferred IIPS as the nodal agency to collect valid information on their behalf. One of the objectives of the institute is to undertake scientific research on the population problems that are of special importance to India and other countries in the ESCAP region. IIPS provides an ideal environment for high quality research; it has about 30 faculty members with a strong background in demography and related disciplines; a large number of doctoral and post-graduate degree students; an excellent library that houses India’s best collection of books in demography, wide ranging periodicals and up-to-date statistical volumes; a well-equipped computer centre, and a data centre that has been designated as the support centre for the POPLINE data base in India. The research projects of the Institute are funded by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India; the State Governments; international organizations such as World Bank, Packard Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, United Nations Population Fund, World Health Organization, International Labour Organization, Ford Foundation, Welcome Trust, Population Council; and many other non-governmental organizations. Institute was designated as the nodal agency by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, to carry out two nation-wide large sample surveys, namely National Family Health Survey (NFHS), during 1992-93, 1998-99 and 2005-2006 and District Level Household Survey under the Reproductive Child Health (RCH) project and facility survey. Currently IIPS is in the process of completing 36 research projects, of which 11 are funded by external agencies. The Institute conducts workshops for capacity building of the personnel working in the area of reproductive health in various organizations including the Population Research Centres (PRCs) across the country. The workshops are funded by the Ford Foundation. A number of seminars, symposiums and workshops are also being organized by the Institute on population related issues. FACULTY–Ph.D. SCHOLARS SEMINARS AND EXTENSION LECTURES The Institute conducts regular seminars in which the faculty, Ph.D students and other research staff participate. The speakers for these seminars are invited to give a talk usually on their on-going research work or on topic of special interest. The seminars provide a forum for lively academic debate and exchange of innovative research ideas in social science research. In order to acquaint the students, faculty and research staff, the Institute holds discussions on new developments in the areas of research and teaching in population studies and allied subjects. A number of eminent scholars are also invited every year to deliver lectures on various topics. The Institute has instituted an annual lecture series since 2001, in memory of the late Dr. C. Chandrasekaran, former Director of IIPS and a renowned demographer. COMPUTER AND POPULATION DATA CENTRES Computer Centre: The Institute has a Computer Centre interconnected by LAN system. It is equipped with the latest computer facilities. These are extensively used for teaching and research. The Centre has two IBM servers to provide LAN services and local intranet email facilities. A 256 kbps line is available to provide internet facilities and the network is protected against viruses and SPAM by a firewall. The institute is in the process of procuring a 4TB Network Attached Storage (NAS) server to enable storage of large volumes of data obtained from various sources. Data Centre: The Institute has a Population Data Centre, which acquires population information and data through various sources, prepares documentations and makes it available to the researchers. Data Centre is a support center for “POPLINE” database in India, which has been developed by the John Hopkins University, Maryland, USA. Apart from the Census Data, the Data Centre has acquired NFHS, RCH data of all India and DHS data of all countries covered under the survey. IIPS website is designed and managed by the Data Centre. At present, the users are directly accessing resources such as Demographic data sets and POPLINE databases, which are stored on a server. Further server based softwares like GIS and OPAC (Library Information) can be accessed through the campus network. LIBRARY The Institute maintains an excellent library with most recent collection of books on population and related issues. There are 75,134 books, 12,761 bound volumes of periodicals, 15,554 reprints, and more than 200 CD-ROMs available in the library. The library receives about 325 Indian as well as foreign journals, out of which 175 journals are received by way of subscriptions and another 150 journals are received by gift and exchange. The library is housed in a separate building on the first and second floor. It consists of a reading hall with a seating capacity of 70 and a conference hall with a seating capacity of 40. Guided computerized search facilities are extended to faculty/students. As on date all documents have been computerized. The institute’s library provides bibliographic and reference services to other libraries, organizations and researchers and also fulfils requests for information from libraries outside India. The Library has become a part of INFLIBNET Programme. The inter Library Loan, Current Awareness Service (CAS), Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI), Document Delivery Service (DDS), Reprographic Services have been provided by the Library. Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), web-links to access the subscribed research journals through OPAC on full text level, latest acquisition list, serial holdings have been made available on Institute’s website. Library is planning to introduce CD-PROCOM Server System to provide electronic documents access on offline mode in campus and also RFID technology to strengthen the library security. The library is fully automated in SLIM-21 software. The data bases offered by IIPS library are POPLINE, JSTOR, PUB Med, and NUCSAL. To promote the national language, many of the library documents are available in Hindi. The complete library catalogue is converted in Devnagiri script, and is accessible through OPAC. HOSTEL The Institute has two hostel buildings, one six-storied and another three storied, for accommodating students admitted to various courses. All full-time students are required to stay in the hostel. Hostel rooms are furnished and have adequate living and working space. Each room has a bathroom and toilet attached to it. For the foreign students air conditioned rooms with television sets and desktop computers with internet facilities are provided. The hostel has separate dinning hall and kitchen. A separate kitchenette equipped with Deep Freezer, Fridge and Cooking range is available for the interested foreign students. Washing machines and computers with internet facility are provided for the exclusive use of the students at the hostel. Televisions are provided in different floors and there is a separate TV hall with cable connection. MEDICAL FACILITY A lady and a male doctor visits the Institute on all the working days and attend to the medical needs of the students as well as the staff of the Institute. In addition, foreign students are covered under the health insurance policy for hospitalization. CAMPUS The academic and administrative buildings of the Institute, library, computer and data centre, hostels, Director’s bungalow and staff quarters are all built on a plot of land located at Deonar and donated by the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust. Apart from this, living accommodation for the faculty/staff is also available at the Nerul campus (New Bombay). PUBLICATIONS The Institute brings out a quarterly Newsletter, which provides information about various ongoing activities of the Institute. Institute also publishes reports of completed research projects for wider dissemination. IIPS regularly publishes Research Brief Series to disseminate important findings of the Research projects.

ContactsGovandi Station Road, Deonar, Mumbai- 400 088

Tel : +91-022-25562062; +91-022-25563254/55/56
Fax : +91-022-25563257

Institution working on the following sectors

  • Capacity Building
  • Family Planning
  • Gender
  • HIV / AIDS
  • Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Policy & Advocacy
  • Population & Development
  • Reproductive Health
  • Research

Expert in -

Population Studies, Demography, Large-scale surveys, Monitoring and Evaluation

Working Languages

  • English

Total Number of Staff and Trainer

  • Staff : 150
  • Trainer: 25

Focal Persons

Dr. F. Ram
Director and Sr. Professor

Tel : +91-022-25562062; +91-022-25563254/55/56
Fax : +91-022-25563257

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