Vacancy for Programme officer


            VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT   (Download)

 POSITION TITLE: Programme Officer 

 WORK SCHEDULE: Full-time position  

 REPORTING TO: Regional Director, PPD Africa Regional Office  

 GRADE:  National Professional  

 POSITION LOCATION:  Kampala, Uganda 

 ASSIGNMENT DURATION: One year – renewable  


Partners in Population and Development Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO) is part of the Global PPD, a southern-led and southern-run Intergovernmental alliance of developing countries founded during the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo, Egypt, in 1994. PPD was founded to expand and strengthen South-South collaboration between and among developing countries in reproductive health, population, and development in implementing the ICPD agenda. PPD is a member of 27 developing countries, 15 in Africa.  

PPD ARO and the African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP) are collaboratively implementing a 3-year project called Advance Domestic Health Financing (ADHF), which aims to increase domestic investments in and foster effective utilization of resources for health with a focus on primary healthcare (PHC), maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (MNCAH) in African countries. The project aims to realize a primary outcome of “increased use of evidence in decision-making on domestic health financing with a focus on primary health care (PHC) and women’s and girls’ health”. This primary outcome is expected to produce the project’s goal of “increased and efficient use of domestic health financing with a focus on PHC and women’s and girls’ health” (mainly MNCAH/FP).  The countries that will be the focus of the project are Kenya, Zambia, Malawi, and Uganda.  

Working in close collaboration with staff at the Africa Regional Office and PPD member countries, the Programme Officer will be responsible for contributing to the designing, planning, and delivering of an effective programme with a strong emphasis on engaging with member countries’ technical and political leaderships, national and regional networks, the private sector, CSOs, the media, champions, and relevant external stakeholders to deliver the ADHF project goals. Read More…

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