On 26th June 2018, Partners in Population and Development Africa Region Office (PPD ARO), in partnership with Kenya National Centre for Population and Development (NCPD) organized a meeting under the framework of follow ups on country commitments from the Network of African Parliamentary Committees of Health (NEAPACOH) annual meetings. This meeting was held in Nairobi at the InterContinental Hotel. The NCPD had coordinated this meeting to orient members of the Kenya parliamentary network on population and development on the status of reproductive health/family planning, population and development in Kenya. The meeting was the platform for the review of the Kenya parliamentary commitment made at the NEAPACOH meeting of December 2017 that took place in Kampala.
The meeting was attended by 60 Members of the Kenya National Assembly drawn from three committees; Health, Budgeting and Finance and Trade who form the Parliamentary Network on Population and Development (PNPD). PPD ARO was represented by Mr. Patrick Mugirwa, Programme Manager as well as Mr. Baker Semusambwa the accountant Manager.
Dr. Joel Gondi head of Reproductive Health and Maternal Services Unit (RHMSU) and the Director General, NCPD gave the opening remarks. She noted there was need for more funds in the national budget in order to improve the Kenya reproductive health indicators as well as further efforts to for the country to implement her FP2020 commitments. Mr Mugirwa underscored the importance of regional networks on specific subjects for purposes of sharing best practices and South-South knowledge exchanges.