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  • WHO-PPD Joint Satellite Panel on “Gender, Equity and Human Rights Disaggregating Data to get the Real Story”

    Palais des Nations, Geneva — Partners in Population and Development (PPD) and the World Health Organization (WHO) jointly organized a Satellite Panel on “Gender, Equity and Human Rights Disaggregating Data to get the Real Story” on 22 May 2013 at the Palais des Nations – Geneva on the sideline of the 2013 World Health Assembly.

  • Family Planning and Population Stabilization in India

    New Delhi, India — A recent meeting of Consultative Committee of Parliament attached to the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare on Family Planning and Population Stabilisation, held in New Delhi discussed various issues on Family Planning and Population Stabilization. Honourable Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare HE Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad, presided over

  • National Seminar on Raising Voices from the South for Integration of a Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) to Maternal Health held in Dhaka

    Dhaka, Bangladesh — PPD marked the conclusion of the project  titled ‘Raising Voice from the South for Integration of a Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) to Maternal Health’ with a national seminar held at Dhaka, Bangladesh on 30 January 2013. PPD in collaboration with Disabled Rehabilitation and Research Association (DRRA) organized the seminar where Prof

  • Bangladesh Immunization Program received International Recognition

    Dar es Salaam, Tanzania — GAVI Alliance Partners Forum held a mega event of the child health and immunization in Dar es Salaam, the capital city of Tanzania from December 4 to 7, 2012. More than 700 participants from over hundred countries of the world participated in the forum. The forum was attended by Ministers

  • Third Consultative Meeting with the Stakeholders on Raising Voices from the South for Integration of Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA)

    Dhaka, Bangladesh — The third consultative meeting of the Project “Raising Voices from the South for Integration of Human Rights Based Approach to Maternal Health” was held at the National Press Club auditorium in Dhaka on 6th December, 2012. Over 60 local journalists of both print and electronic media, and beneficiaries’ representatives (Mothers from the

  • Prime Minister of Bangladesh unveil the Foundation Stone of PPD Secretariat Building in Dhaka

    Dhaka, Bangladesh — Partners in Population and Development (PPD) was founded in 1994 and Bangladesh Government became the host country to establish the secretariat in Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1997. From then PPD Secretariat is situated in a temporary location. Bangladesh Government is providing a land measuring 64 decimals to the PPD Secretariat with an initial

  • PPD’s Governing Body Met in Dhaka

    Dhaka, Bangladesh — The 17 th Annual Board meeting of Partners in Population (PPD) and Development’s took place in Dhaka on 12 th November, 2012. Along with more than 150 participants of this congregation; 1 vice president, 8 Ministers, Partner Country Coordinators from member countries and observers from Afghanistan and UNFPA attended the meeting. The

  • MoU signed between UNTAID and PPD in Dhaka

    Dhaka, Bangladesh — A memorandum of understanding was signed on November 11, 2012 between UNTAID and Partners in Population and Development (PPD), with an aim to work together to promote South-South Partnership. Dr. Denis Broun, Executive Director of UNITAID and Dr. Joe Thomas, Executive Director of Partners in Population and Development (PPD) signed the MoU

  • PPD International Inter-Ministerial Conference held in Dhaka

    Dhaka, Bangladesh — Partners in Population and Development (PPD) has successfully organized an Inter-Ministerial Conference on “Evidence for Action: South-South Collaboration for ICPD Beyond 2014” from 10-11 November 2012. International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) has some Program of Action (PoA) which have been implemented through South-South Cooperation but still some evidence based information

  • STEP-UP Partners Consultative Meeting with National Task Force, Donor Organizations and Development Partners.

    Dhaka, Bangladesh — PPD in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh and STEP-UP project Partners in Bangladesh organized a consultative meeting with the members of National Task Force (NTF) on 18 September 2012 at Directorate General of Family Planning, IEM Conference Hall. The meeting was attended by stakeholders including national task force members and representative

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