PPD Representation at the 9th African Population Conference in Malawi – 20 May 2024

PPD's Representation in APC - Malawi
Mr. Oliver Zambuku, Officer-in-Charge of Partners in Population and Development (PPD) gave his remarks in the opening ceremony – 9th African Population Conference, themed “Road to 2030: Leveraging Africa’s Human Capital to Achieve Transformation in a World of Uncertainty” organized by the UAPS, PPD, AFIDEP, UNFPA in Malawi on 20 May 2024.
The African Population Conference (APC) is the largest scientific meeting on population issues organized every four years by the Union for African Population Studies (UAPS). The main aim of the conference is to examine the state of knowledge gaps regarding various population and development issues facing the African continent. The conference also offers an opportunity for a diverse set of stakeholders, researchers, policymakers, representatives of civil society, regional and international organizations as well as non-governmental organizations to explore ways and means of applying research evidence generated to improve the well-being of the African people.
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