Sharing Workshops
Life Experience Sharing on Consulting for Reproductive Health
in Cairo, Egypt from 2-3 July 2007 |
Twenty four professionals in the
field of population and reproductive health from fifteen developing
countries namely Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan,
Kenya, Mali, Morocco, Pakistan, Philippine, South Africa, Tanzania,
Thailand, Tunisia and Zimbabwe attended the International Workshop
on Real Life Experience Sharing on Consulting for Reproductive
Health during 02-03 July 2007 in Cairo, Egypt. International experts
from USA also joined to facilitate the sessions.
The Opening Ceremony, which was
attended by around forty representatives from the international
agencies and senior officials from the Ministry of Health, Cairo,
was performed by Mr. Harry S Jooseery, Executive Director of PPD.
Among others, Dr. Safa El-Baz, Assistant Minister of Health and
Population National Population Council, Government of the Arab
Republic of Egypt and Prof. Dr. Nabiha Gueddana, Member, PPD Board,
and Director General National Office of Head and Population (ONFP)
Tunisia, also spoke at the Opening Ceremony.

Participants of the workshop.
The workshop, supported by the
Government of the Netherlands, focused on sharing of consulting
experience, lessons learnt and on the establishment a network
system to maintain a unified and high standard quality service
communication among the consultants.
The workshop ushered fruitful
discussions and new thoughts on ‘Scale and Equity: A Bold
Approach in Reproductive Health’, a paper presented by Dr.
Martha M. Campbell, Co-Director, Center for Entrepreneurship in
International Health and Development (CEIHD) and lecturer, School
of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Dr. Martha M. Campbell delivering
her presentation to the participants.
The workshop also offered an opportunity
for a face to face interaction with the participants with the
renowned international expert, Prof Dr. Malcolm Potts, Fred H.
Bixby Endowed Chair, School of Public Health, University of California,
Berkeley, USA. The workshop was concluded by several recommendations
on sustainability and the modus operandi on the best utilization
of the rich resource of PPD data base.

Prof. Dr. Malcom Potts answering
question of the participants
during the Expert Interview session
Wu Shangchun
Professor in Reproductive Health
National Family
Planning Research Institute of China
12 Da Hui Si Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100081, China |
Dr. Hu Xiaoyu
Professor and Deputy Director
China Center for Reproductive Health Technical Instruction
and Training
145 Guangyuan Road, Shanghai 200030, China |
Dr. Yehia El Hadidi
Population and Family Planning Sector at the Ministry, Egypt |
Dr. Abdelghany Mohamed
Cairo Demographic Centre (CDC)
Cairo, Egypt |
Dr. Osama Refaat Sherif
Deputy Director
Regional Center for Training in Family Planning and Reproductive
Health (RCT)
Cairo, Egypt |
Dr. Amr El-Noury
Advisor to the Chairman
Hospital Insurance Organization in quality for hospital accreditation,
Egypt |
Prof. Sarlito Wirawan
Head of Research Institute
Faculty of Psychology
University of Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia. |
Dr. Ahmad (Al-haj Saleh) Alqatitat
Deputy Secretary General
Higher Population Council
Jordan |
Mr. Kanté Bakary
Economiste Agricole / Consultant
Kara – Consult
Magnambougou Projet, Rue 393 Porte 31 Bamako, BP 5045, Mali |
Mr. Tauseef Ahmed
Freelance Consultant to Ministry of Population Welfare
National Institute of Population Studies till April 2007
Add:NO 579, STREET 35, SECTOR E 11/3, NPF ISLAMABAD, Pakistan |
Mr. Tomas Maingat Osias
Executive Director
Commission on Population,
Welfareville Compound, Acacia Lane, Mandaluyong City, Philippines |
Mr. Ezekiel Byangwamu
NyayoStadium, Code 00506
Nairobi –Kenya |
Dr. Panee Vong-Ek (Ms.)
Assistant Professor
Institute for Population and Social Research
Mahidol University, Salaya, Phutthamonthon.
Nakhon Pathom 73170 Thailand |
Mrs. Sumalee Permpaengpun
Public Health Technical Officer, M of Arts (Population Research)
Chief of Social Reproductive Health Group, Reproductive Health
Ministry of Public Health
Tiwanond Road, Nonthaburi 11000, Thailand |
Prof. Dr. Nabiha Gueddana
Member, PPD Board, and Director General
National Office of Head and Population (ONFP)
42 Avenue de Madrid, Tunis, Tunisia |
Ms. Houij Sellama
National Office of Head and Population (ONFP)
Cite Olympique B45 App5A, 1003, Tunis, Tunisia |
Ms. Mariah
Jane Mosomi
Nairobi Kenya |
Linda Mildred Van
Population and Development Programmes
Chief Directorate: Population and Development, Department
of Social Development, South Africa
Private Bag X901, Pretoria
South Africa |
Mamsie Olga Mabitsela
Population and Development Strategy. Chief Directorate Population
and Development
Department of Social Development
17 Plaintain Street
The Orchards, Pretoria, South Africa |
Dr. Malcolm Potts,
MB, BChir, PhD
Fred H. Bixby Endowed Chair
School of Public Health
314 Warren Hall #7360
University of California
Berkeley, Calfornia 94720-7360 |
Dr. Martha M. Campbell
Lecturer, Community Health &
Human Development
UC Berkeley School of Public Health,
140 Earl Warren Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-7360, USA
Center for Entrepreneurship in
International Health and Development
Center for Entrepreneurship in
International Health and Development
505/506 Earl Warren Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-7360, USA |
Mr. Alford Phiri
Assistant Director Evaluation and Research
P O Box ST 220, Southerton, Harare, Zimbabwe |
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