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sixth and last of the series course was organized during 5-7 December
2006 in Rabat, Morocco. It was attended by sixteen mid to senior
level professionals in reproductive health, population and development
field from four selected francophone member countries of PPD namely
Mali, Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia. The training was conducted
in French and the key Facilitator was Mr. Amegan Ayaménou
Koami Eloi from the Center for African Studies (CAFS) in Lomé,
Togo. The three day training workshop was carried out with active
participation and a lot of enthusiasm and interest. The objective
of the workshop was to strengthen the consulting capability of
reproductive health, population and development professionals
from the francophone countries. The course focused on reflection
on past consulting experiences, the concept of consultant roles
was introduced. Specific skill building exercises were also introduced
to emphasize the interpersonal aspects of the consultant-client
The workshop was declared open by Dr. Fouad Hamadi, General Secretary
of Ministry of Health, Morocco in a formal Opening Ceremony which
was attended by representatives from the international development
agencies, UN agencies, ambassadors of the diplomatic missions
of the participating countries in the training, senior officials
from the Ministry of Health, Morocco and the local media including
press and electronic. Mr. Sangeet Harry Jooseery, Executive Director
of PPD made a Statement in the Ceremony where he thanked the Government
of Morocco and welcomed the participants wishing them successful
deliberations during the three days of the workshop.
Bakary Kante
Consultant and Director
Bureau d’Etudes et de Conseils, Bamako, Mali |
Kamissoko Marietou
Consultante/Sociologue Spécialisée
en Sociologie de la Sante
Bamako, Mali |
Aichata Diakité
Director Cabinet Médical Bien Etre
Rue 200, Porte 282 Lafiabougou
Bamako, Mali
Samba Diallo
Université du Mali, Bamako, Mali
Abdou Issa Dieng
PCC and Conseiller Technique No. 3
Recherché– Formation– Population, Lutte
contre la Pauvreté
Ministère de la Santé et de la Prévention
Médicale, Sénégal |
Diagne Aichatou Diop
Member, Directorate of Public Health
Ministry of Health, Dakar, Senegal |
Cheikh Bamba Diop
Member of Reproductive Health Office
Ministry of Health
Dakar, Senegal |
.Papa Chimère Diaw
Ministry of Health, Dakar, Snegal |
Dr. Mohamed Kouni Chahed
Departement de Médecine Préventive et Communautaire
Faculté de Médecine de Tunis |
Slah Meddeb
Director, International Centre of Training and Research in
Reproductive Health and
Population, Tunisia |
Rim Ben Aissa
Center National de Recherche en Sante de La Reproduction,
Tunisia |
Mr. Ben Messaoud Fathi
PCC and Director of the International
Cooperation Unit
National Office of Family and Population
(ONFP), Tunisia |
Prof. Chraïbi Chafiq
Enseignant de Gynécologie obstétrique
Faculté de Médecine de Raba,
Centre Nationale de la Santé de la Reproduction, Maroc |
Prof. Kharbach Aïcha
Enseignante de Gynécologie
obstétrique/Faculté de Médecine de Rabat/
Médecin-Chef de la Maternité Souissi-Rabat
Maroc |
Dr. Maaouni El Houssaïn,
Gynécologue- obstétricien à la Maternité
Président de la Société Royale Marocaine
de Gynécologie- obstétrique
Maroc |
Dr. Zerrari Abdelwahab
Chef de la Division de la Santé Maternelle et Infantile/Ministère
de la Santé
Maroc |
Mr. Cherradi Sid Ahmed
Cabinet de Monsieur le Ministre de la Santé
Maroc |
Dr. Abou-ouakil Mohammed
Chef de la Division de l’Information,
Education et Communication/ Ministère de la Santé
Maroc |
Mr. Tarik Bensalem
Division de la Planification et des Etudes/ Direction de la
Planification et des Ressources Financières
Maroc |
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