14 Nov 2022 : 19th International Inter Ministerial Conference on South-South Cooperation in Population and Development


19th International Inter Ministerial Conference on South-South Cooperation in Population and Development:
“South-South Cooperation and the ICPD@30: Accelerating the Move Forward”

Venue: Pattaya 12 in Pattaya Exhibition And Convention Hall (PEACH), Thailand;
Date and Time: Monday, 14 November 2022, 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM

The Nairobi ICPD@25 Global Summit instilled increased energy in the global community, breathed new life into the ICPD agenda, and consolidated the gains made since ICPD-1994. It was a platform for the governments and other organizations to voluntarily announce unequivocal strategic and programmatic commitments – including the financial ones – to accelerate the progress towards achieving the unfinished ICPD Agenda. Among the 173 governments represented in the Nairobi Summit, include 27 PPD member states, made national commitments in the following five areas: universal access to sexual and reproductive health; financial resources to finish the ICPD Program of Action; demographic diversity to drive economic growth and achieve sustainable development; gender-based violence and the harmful practices of child, early and forced marriages including female genital mutilation; and right to sexual and reproductive health in humanitarian and fragile settings.

As ICPD@30 approaches, we need to re-emphasize the importance and power of SSTC for the achievement of ICPD PoA. More and more countries have succeeded in their national development efforts, including their family planning programme. As such, they are capable of sharing their knowledge and resources through SSTC. This panel will envision how to use SSTC as an instrument for accelerated achievement of ICPD PoA.

The profound inequality of the current world underscores the urgency of sexual and reproductive justice and accelerated achievement of the Nairobi commitments. The patterns of injustice undercut human resilience and well-being for everyone, and the COVID-19 Pandemic has exacerbated disparities based on gender, race, age, disability and other parameters. The COVID-19 Pandemic has affected the country’s decades-long progress on RH, maternal health, and FP but yet countries are struggling to recover from its unanticipated social and economic fallouts. The challenges have induced uncertainty towards achieving health-related SDGs and Nairobi commitments by 2030.

Partners in Population and Development (PPD), in partnership with UNFPA, is organizing the 19th International Inter-ministerial Conference (IIMC) during the ICFP in Pattaya, Thailand, on November 14, 2022, at 09:00 to 12:00 hours. The theme of the forum will be South-South Cooperation and the ICPD@30: Accelerating the Move Forward. This aims provide policy guidance and commitments from high-level government officials on how to increase the utilization of South-South and triangular cooperation at ICPD@30 and beyond.

19th International Inter Ministerial Conference on South-South Cooperation in Population and Development 2
There will be three sessions Opening, ministerial, and closing, with the adaptation of the outcome document. This high-level ministerial forum will create opportunities to discuss among countries to evaluate the commitment of ICPD@25 and the way forward to ICPD@30. This contributes to the incipient global conversation for commitments and visions for the international conference on ICPD@30.


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