17th International Inter-Ministerial Conference on South-South Cooperation in Population and Development: Nairobi Commitments and the 2030 Agenda: Taking stock and looking ahead in post COVID-19 crisis

Nairobi Commitments and the 2030 Agenda: Taking stock and looking ahead in post COVID-19 crisis

Partners in Population and Development (PPD), the United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA), and National Health Commission of China jointly organizing the 17th International Inter-Ministerial Conference on South-South Cooperation in Population and Development entitled Nairobi Commitments and the 2030 Agenda: Taking stock and looking ahead in post COVID-19 crisis.”  with three unique sessions:

Session 1: Implementation of the Nairobi Commitments through South-South Cooperation in the post-COVID-19 era which will take place on Tuesday, 19 November 2020 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. GMT.

Session 2: Youth Engagement through South-South Cooperation in Advocacy and Innovative Programming which will take place on Friday, 27 November 2020, 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. GMT.

Ministerial Session:  Promoting South-South Cooperation for Attaining Nairobi Commitments and the Agenda 2030 which will take place on Tuesday, 8 December 2020 , 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. GMT.

The conference will offer the participants a dynamic debate with southern experts, policy makers, researchers, national partner-agencies, collaborating UN agencies, INGOs/NGOs, civil society organizations, media and academia.

Click here for details: http://www.partners-popdev.org/17iimc2020/



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