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  According to the United Nations, by 2050 there will be more people in the world who are over 60 years than children under 14. The global total is expected to rise from the current 810 million to more than 2 billion by 2050. It would be the developing countries who would have about 80% of them living there. A preliminary analysis of the situation of ageing in PPD partner countries indicated that PPD’s 25 member countries constituted 48.6 % of the world population over 60 years in 2012 and the rate is projected to increase to 57.1% by 2050. Nearly all of the member countries of PPD will have more than 10% of their population over 60 years by that 2050. Only 2 PPD member countries fall within the first 50 rankings of the Global AgeWatch Index, calculated based on income security, health status, employment, education, and an enabling environment for older people.

While increasing of longevity is a positive indicator of social, economic and technological development, the ageing population is also raising concern in developing countries. This is because of their inability and limited resources to provide social protection, health care and income security for the growing numbers of older citizens. The opportunities and challenges of ageing must be addressed by appropriate policies, budget lines and program implementation.

In the ICPD beyond 2014 and Post 2015 Development Agenda consultations, ageing has emerged as an area which has attracted global attention to ensure sustainable developments. Even though the consultations recognized ageing populations as vibrant and essential contributors to the development and stability of society, the questions posed are: “What more can and should be done to utilize their potential?” “What would be the relevant recommendations to put the needs and contributions of older persons as a bigger part of the sustainable development agenda?”

With this background, PPD, in technical partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) established a ‘Global Commission on Ageing in Developing Countries. Her Excellency Ms Bongi Maria Ntuli, Deputy Minister of the Department of Social Development, Ministry of Social Development, South Africa launched the “Global Commission on Ageing in Developing Countries” in the presence of His Excellency Mr Matia Kasaija, Minister of State for Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Government of the Republic of Uganda, Board Member, Partners in Population and Development (PPD) and H.E. Dr David Pagwesese Parirenyatwa Honorable Minister, Ministry Of Health And Child Welfare Government of Zimbabwe, Board Member, (PPD) on 24 October 2013 in Beijing, China.

The goal of the Commission is to enable gender, equity and rights based policies and programming that will improve the quality of life of the ageing population in developing countries including the 25 member countries of PPD.

A major activity of the global commission will be to:

  • Conduct country assessments on population ageing, health and social protection ageing
    Identify policies, programs gaps and best practices in developing countries.

The findings will be used to:

  • Design advocacy strategies to inform policy development processes to ensure better economic security, health, dignity and well-being in old age.
  • Help policy makers to formulate a gender, equity and rights informed policy framework
  • Define the strategy, roadmaps and action plans to address the opportunities and challenges of population ageing.
  • Promote South-South Cooperation on active ageing and utilizing the potentials of ageing in socio-economic development of developing countries

The Commission consists of 15 Commissioners and 5 resource persons who are reputed leaders in their respective fields and public life, and representing member countries of PPD, other developing countries, Word Health Organization (WHO), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), HelpAge India and PPD.




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Agargaon, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Phone: +88-02-9117842
Fax: +88-02-9117817
Email: ageing@ppdsec.org


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